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In our opinion luck and hope are not strategies to build a highly efficient medical practice but yes, you can advertise on your own. Beware it is not as inexpensive as one may think, especially if you are looking to advertise in more prestigious papers and journals. In addition, because you are not advertising on a regular basis, you are relying on finding the right person that happened to look in the right spot that particular day or week. Finally, be prepared to screen each candidate. All of this work leaves less time for you to do what you do best:RUN YOUR PRACTICE.

SpineSearch has dedicated it's services exclusively to the healthcare community building a database of over 6,000 healthcare professionals nationwide. Our marketing efforts and strategies are targeted to advertising regularly in the most prestigious venues, recruiting only the most highly qualified candidates. Our first line screening techniques have been built by professionals who have years of experience working in the healthcare community. We have a clear understanding of the job description and the proper protocols in place to match our candidates successfully.

Our goal as a premier recruitment company was to create and foster a network of medical professionals. In doing so, we recognized early on the need for continuing education within this niche market for both medical administrative personnel and clinicians alike. Our educational opportunities are geared toward increasing the knowledge base of your new and existing staff in an effort to increase efficiency and improve patient service. SpineSearch believes our job does not end with a successful employee placement, but rather when that employee has been given the educational tools to function to the best of their ability in their role.

SpineSearch offers a variety of educational opportunities for all positions within the healthcare community. In addition, we offer, custom-tailored education for office staff IN YOUR OFFICE. Recognizing each office has different protocols and patient populations, our consultative services are designed to identify educational deficiencies within your practice and create unique programs to improve practice.

In conclusion, you have asked a valid question, Why SpineSearch?

Our answer: A recruitment and education company created by a member of the healthcare community, focused on a niche market, offering a premier service unmatched in the industry. Can you think of a better company to build your team?

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In addition to recruitment and education, SpineSearch recognized a need in the spine industry to assist practices, small and large, in optimizing practice protocols, improving efficiencies and decreasing overhead.
Education is the answer. You went to the right schools to learn your profession. Now, attend the right events to learn about the job search market.