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Part 2 of the article as published in the Journal of Medical Practice Management
Outsourcing of medical billing is a popular, growing trend. The direct cost and overhead of outsourcing as compared with internal billing is relatively easy to calculate; however, there are additional financial and social considerations that often are overlooked.
So, You Think You Are Not Losing Money in Your Practice
Hospitals across the country lose approximately $262 billion per year due to denied claims from insurers, leading to cash-flow issues and recovery costs.
Practices are finding it hard to keep their staff performing at its best while adjusting to these transitions. Making sure your staff runs at an optimal level can be achieved by adhering to three objectives: organizing your practice, evaluating your staff and incentivizing them properly.
Efficient use of Non-Physician Medical Practitioners makes the difference in successful medical practice in 2019.
Findings is the Newsletter of SpineSearch. See previous issues and read on line or download PDF's
Do you know how to spot the red flags in a hiring environment? Watch this presentation to the Association of Academic Surgical Administrators to learn the secrets of hiring the right staff.